From vision to perception

Combats will become more and more tough face to an enemy always more equipped, better organized and finally more aggressive.

  • The sight is the first sense activated by Human being when he wants to understand his environment & analyze the level of danger
  • The Perception, combining the senses in an intelligible way, is one of the key enablers of the tactical superiority on the battlefield
  • Consequently, the optronics capacities will be more than ever key for the soldier

The fighter will need a combination of state-of the-art capacities and not a heterogenic addition of products.

Thales Augmented Soldier is proposing the suite of optronics & communication assets that will make the user enter in the 4.0. Perception.

Designed for the soldiers by the soldiers

Thales works closely with the end user, to enhance the soldier’s capabilities by providing both optronics and communication solutions, where each capability (individual like HHTI, NVG, radio or collective like mini UAV) is a connected object intrinsically delivering information to “an intelligence”

As a result, Thales soldier suite for the augmented soldier aims to generate the tactical superiority through 3 key enablers :


Increasing soldier’s senses night & day by delivering Perception rather than vision while lightening the physical and cognitive burden


Providing processed, useful and accurate information, to better perceive, earlier and further, the danger and take appropriate measures to protect the combat group and maximize the chances of neutralizing potential threats


Promoting and rapidly sharing information to the network thanks to the solution’s interoperability.

From the air to the ground, Perception provided by Thales collaborative & smart sensors, is the key enabler to benefit from the most reliable, relevant & accurate information to decide and act while keeping the tactical advantage on the enemies.

Thales augmented soldier

Game changer solutions for the soldier to move from vision to perception

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